27 April 2013

Letter of Recommendation S/V "Eclectic" - John Kotzé

Wayne T. Stone
87 Brook Hill Drive
Seekonk, MA 02771
July 30, 2008
To whom it may concern:
This letter is intended as a reference for Captain John Kotze. John took my Admiral 40 catamaran with me and two other crew members from Cape Town, South Africa to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in just less than two months. Along the way we had three to four day layovers in; St. Helena Island, Fortaleza Brazil and St. Lucia.
John proved to be extremely professional and competent in his preparation and problem solving. It would be readily apparent to anyone that Capt. John has a great deal of experience and his philosophy is predicated on safety and problem prevention.
People ask why I would take a Captain when I myself have a USCG Masters rating: a trip of this nature is not to be taken lightly and John provided guidance and preparation at a very high level. He prevented as many problems as he could while anticipating all probable issues and planning for them. He made the journey a learning situation: namely how to be a professional Captain and he taught an old sea dog some very useful tricks of the trade, and was very accommodating doing it.
I would recommend him to anyone planning a sailing adventure.
Please feel free to contact me (if I am not out sailing) at 508-336-5066 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              508-336-5066      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or at waynet@comcast.net and I would be pleased to discuss this further.
Captain Wayne T. Stone
S/V Eclectic


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